International Kemer Underwater Days (IKUD) is a week of activities organized jointly by the Center for Mediterranean Underwater Archeological Research (AASAM) (Between 2014-2017 Selcuk University Underwater Research Center at Kemer; FROM 2019 Akdeniz University Kemer Underwater Research Center) and the Foundation for the Promotion of Kemer (KETAV) (, whose goal is to introduce to the world the natural and the archeological beauties of the deep waters of Kemer – Antalya (Turkey) in the Mediterranean. This activity is a member of EUIFA and the partner of UNEP/MAP – Info RAC.
International Kemer Underwater Days contains many of activity and a meeting program on underwater imaging and underwater archaeology. It also contains underwater photography and videography competitions which happen in the crystal waters of Kemer at every year in May. During these days an important award on Turkish Underwater Archaeology “Metin Pehlivaner Contribution Award to Turkish Underwater Archaeology” assign to a selected distinguish person.
Establishers of the IKUD are Aydin Aytug and Dr. Hakan Oniz. General Secretary of KETAV Filiz Ceylan is in the organization committee from the beginning and Ceyda Öztosun from 2009 until now.
Presidents of IKUD are Necati Topaloğlu who is Mayor of Kemer and president of KETAV and Aydin Aytug in behalf of KETAV and Assoc.Prof. Dr. Hakan Oniz. Filiz Ceylan is the coordinator and Ceyda Öztosun is the organizing director of the IKUD.